The mainDocumentsCertificates of Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO)

Certificates of Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO)

The certificates are issued by such self-regulatory organizations as ENERGOSTROY NP (Noncommercial Partnership "Association of organizations, carrying out building, reconstruction and major repairs of power objects, grids and substations") and ENERGOPROJECT NP (Noncommercial Partnership "Association of organizations, carrying out preparation of project documentation of power objects, grids and substations").

Certificates of Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO)

Certificates of Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO)

2 documents

Responsibility Issued by Issue date File
Свидетельство о допуске к работам по подготовке проектной документации объектов капитального строительства НП «ЭНЕРГОПРОЕКТ» 05.03.2015 pdf, 2.4 Мб
Свидетельство о допуске к работам по строительству, реконструкции и капитальному ремонту НП «ЭНЕРГОСТРОЙ» 17.03.2015 pdf, 4.5 Мб